Benefits and obligations of the member


Member has the right to use Donnybrook logo as a quality sign of the enterprise. With that he shows responsibility towards its employees and the society, investing in the positive change of the world.

Member has the right to receive and provide special offers within the Donnybrook network.

Member belongs to the growing network of Donnybrook, receiving partnership offers from other members of the union.

Member has the right to receive ideas and support to develop its enterprise from all the members all over the world.

Members who have been in the union for a longer period and committed more for the organisation are privileged to apply for new positions and to participate in Donnybrook projects.

Every full member has the right to vote in the general assembly.


Member has the obligation to follow Donnybrook values, including the democratic management principles and socially responsible image in its enterprise.

Member has to dedicate itself to the organisation accordingly to its opportunities.

Member is obliged to pay the member fee 1200€ (euros) a year. The board has the right to lower or dismiss the fee for a member who has actively participated in the development of the organisation.

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